Presented below are some photos of a rare casting created from the original Paramount studio molds of the alien Melkotian head seen in the memorable 3rd season TOS episode "Spectre of the Gun"; in which Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, Scotty and Chekov are forced to re-enact the historic gunfight at the O.K. Corral (first airdate: October 25, 1968). This very flexible, plastic half-head has a hollow back which has been generously filled with foam to provide support and render the mask displayable. To the authors knowledge, the original screen-used Melkotian head has never been offered at auction, and might not have survived the long span of time - approximately 43 years - since it was filmed on the TOS soundstage.
Below are some screenshots of the Melkotian head as featured in the opening scenes of the episode ...
The Melkotian appears on the Enterprise's main viewscreen at the end of the episode and converses with Captain Kirk to express a willingness to establish relations with the Federation based on the landing party's merciful decision to spare the Earps lives ...