This past weekend, on Sat. April 10th, the California based entertainment memorabilia auction house Propworx, , presided over a historic "Star Trek: The Experience Warehouse Sale" in Las Vegas, Nevada at which many large bridge set fixtures, starfleet-themed panels, starship models and model sections as well as wardrobe items from the attraction were offered to the public.
Star Trek: The Experience, which cost $70 million to construct, completed an 11 year run at the Las Vegas Hilton in September, 2008 and featured 3D adventure ride simulators in the midst of full sized Star Trek set recreations to fully immerse visitors in the futuristic 24th century world of Star Trek: TNG; and also contained what was advertised as the largest permanent collection of Star Trek props and costumes in the world in its The History of the Future museum.
This warehouse sale received worldwide press coverage and was a precursor to a special Star Trek auction that Propworx will be conducting in August 2010 as part of Creation Entertainment's large annual Official Star Trek Convention at the Las Vegas Hilton. The August Propworx Star Trek Auction will feature additional Star Trek: The Experience assets including an entire full scale TNG Bridge; as well as many screen-used props and wardrobe items from all Trek television series and feature films.
Propworx CEO Alec Peters is to be commended for organizing a historic and successful warehouse sale that featured many impressive items at outstanding prices - which enabled fans on any budget to afford a piece of Star Trek history from The Experience. I feel fortunate to have attended the sale and was pleased to meet Alec in person; who gave me an excellent price on a group of memorabilia which included the Enterprise-D Captains Chair, the Enterprise-D Ops Chair and Console, as well as the 2 Enterprise-D warp nacelles for sale. Many thanks to Alec and his team; especially Brett and Richard. Knowing that some Experience assets were being held back for the August auction; I truly did not expect to see the great variety of items and significant set fixtures that were offered at the warehouse.
Presented below are some photos I took at the sale; excluding the first picture, which highlights the Enterprise-D Captains Chair and was photographed by Propworx. As can be seen in the latter images, when the exhibit was dismantled, it was unfortunate that the Starship models were damaged. (Indeed, the saucer section of the Enterprise-D model was completely destroyed and not in the building.) The damage to the Enterprise, Voyager and Klingon ships was much less severe, and it is quite conceivable that they may be restored to their original state.