The 33 inch or "3 foot" model of the U.S.S. Enterprise was constructed by model-maker Richard C. Datin during the November - December 1964 timeframe (at the same time that the first rehearsals for The Cage were taking place) and was originally intended to be a concept demonstration model only and not a filming model. It did appear in several publicity photos for the series, and was in fact used onscreen in the 3rd season episode "Requiem for Methuselah". Following the cancellation of TOS, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was presented with this model by the studio. It was rumoured that Roddenberry's son, Eugene W. Roddenberry, Jr. ("Rod Jr."), as a young child, threw the 3 foot model into the family swimming pool; however, both Majel and Rod Jr. have confirmed that this potentially destructive event never did take place. Unfortunately, the current whereabouts of this model are unknown; as it was given out on loan by Gene Roddenberry and never returned. Some photos follow ...