A highly recognizable costume from the 1st season Original Series episode "Space Seed", which first aired on Feb. 16, 1967; this gold mesh hibernation suit was worn in the opening scenes onboard the Botany Bay spacecraft; where the Enterprise landing party discovers the 20th century genetically-altered superman Khan Noonien Singh and his crew in suspended animation. This episode was the inspiration for the 1982 feature film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; one of the most popular motion pictures involving the Original Series cast. Some detailed photos of the jumpsuit are presented below; followed by episode screenshots featuring actor Ricardo Montalban as Khan wearing an identical, if not the very same, gold mesh costume.
Below are some photos of a different gold mesh jumpsuit that was also used in the production of the episode.
Many thanks to Star Trek collector James A. Brown of California for his kind permission to display these images.